Saturday, May 15, 2021

Kenny Omega ARRIVES In An Obviously Empty Arena With Piped In Fan Noise For Inter-Promotional War! | Under Siege 2021 Highlights


I'm glad I didn't waste my money on this pay per view. The clips on YouTube are enough to show me that ordering a pizza was a better idea than buying the "Under Siege" pay per view.

As always, nothing like showing anyone watching just how empty, the arena they're in really is. Let's just make it SSOO OBVIOUS that the fan noise is piped in. 

Gotta love those wide angle shots that show us that nobody is there to see it live. By all means, please keep that up (Sarcastic 'thumbs up').

What the fuck did Don Callis say? "The ONLY MAN, to hold not one, not two but three separate world championships at the same time"? 

Um sorry Donnyboy but you course, are WRONG AGAIN. 

Guess the name Ultimo Dragon would be a name he'd want to quickly side step and avoid hearing. Oh yeah, Vader would be another name Callis will probably turn his head to avoid hearing as well. 

Thank you Don Callis for once again showing, again why you have 'go away' or 'change the channel' heat when it comes to your er, 'character.. But that if we were to look up "Dumb Ass" in the dictionary, your picture would come up. 

And we're not even into the ring yet and this stupidity is so blatantly obvious. They really DON'T think things thru over at Impact, do they. Just throw oatmeal against the wall and hope it sticks.

Yep, just watching THIS CLIP,. validated why ordering a pizza was a better idea than investing money on an "Impact" pay per view. 

Here's the link if you want to see exactly, what I'm talking about. And just as an added note. Watching a match from 1983 between Stan Hansen and Terry Funk? Was WAY BETTER, than watching this garbage right here.

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