Thursday, May 6, 2021



Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has reportedly decided to extend Japan’s ongoing state of emergency in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo until May 31 and has added Aichi and Fukuoka to the list of affected areas. The official announcement is expected tomorrow.

However, restrictions on events will be relaxed. All events will be allowed to go ahead with the lesser of 5,000 people in attendance or any number lower than 50 per cent of the venue’s capacity.

In theory, this should allow wrestling events to go ahead as currently scheduled. Any postponements or cancellations will be reported on as announced.

Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling Explosion

Deathmatch wrestling legend Atsushi Onita has launched his own wrestling company called Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling Explosion.

The ‘E’ in the company’s name stands for explosion and its main focus will be on exploding barbed wire deathmatches.

FMW-E’s debut show will take place on July 4 at the Tsurumi Fruit & Vegetable Market in Yokohama.

Onita, 63, said Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega’s exploding barbed wire deathmatch at All Elite Wrestling’s Revolution pay-per-view was the catalyst for the company’s birth.

Hidetaka Kajiki, owner of Japanese construction company Kofu-Field Co Ltd and FMW-E president, promised the company will have worldwide distribution. It remains to be seen what broadcasting deals FMW-E is able to secure.

FMW-E’s introductory press conference has been uploaded onto its YouTube channel, which can be watched on the link below. The first portion of the video has English subtitles until the 5:24 mark.

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