Thursday, May 13, 2021

Another Day, Another AEW Fanboy Has To Be Smacked (I Could Do This All Year, They Make It So Easy)


I can see why the head writer for Wrestling Past And Present, Bill W. has such a fun time slapping marks around online. There's no challenge from them and as Bill has pointed out several times in the past. They always react and reply the same way, every time.

Between yesterday with this story.. And now today with what I'm about to show you. Marks and Fanboys really don't realize when it's time for them to just quit, and shut up.

You'll see how he first tries to claim that this story.. Is a "Nonstory" but when I show him proof that someone besides me is talking about it, he quickly tries to backtrack and back step on it. 

Then after he claims I couldn't put him in check (when the fact I showed him this IS, a story unlike what claimed, it indeed, put him in check) I explain the obvious that every time a mark or fanboys rushes out to claim they weren't put in their place, it's the obvious sign that they know, they were put in their place. It's really sad that clowns like this have to have things dumbed down this much. But IO guess a little lower education for the clueless like this guy Dave, is what's needed. 

Everything after this is the usual mark trying to get himself over on a staff member of WP&P after he was put in his place by one of us, and he failed. Which comes as no surprise as again, marks always react and reply the same way every time. So predictable every time.

At some point fanboys and marks will learn that it's best for them to just, not say anything. because when they do, they'll be shown to the masses what dumb clowns they really are. This was just the latest example. I'm sure, they'll be more to come. You can thank the staff of WP&P for putting dumb fanboys and marks in check. it's our pleasure to do so. 

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