Wednesday, March 31, 2021

X-Division Rivals IMPLODE in Wild Tag Team Collision!(No They Didn't, Another Lie) | IMPACT! Highlights Mar 30, 2021


Holy shit!! Fulton and TJP actually did some 'selling' in this match. Better write the date and time down because we know they won't be consistent with it.

Again, all the blows and kick to the face but yet, no blood. MMMM MMMM MMMM.

And of course comes all the "do a dozen moves in a minute cause you don't know how to use psychology" that comes with these kind of matches.

I love how one of the announcers says "We get to see some quality wrestling". Is there another wrestling show that he's watching? Because it sure hasn't been on this show, for weeks. Months even.

Oh, and there was no 'imploding' either.. Whoever posts these clips on YouTube really should stop lying like this, just an observation here.

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