Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The "Marks" Just Keep On, Getting Dumber


Just when you think "marks" would eventually smarten up and not engage with me, here comes this newest dumb ass. And of course he does the very same shit all the other "marks:" do when they engage. Claim stuff, then don't produce it when called out on it. 

Some day, "Marks" will smarten up, but it sure won't be today, LOL!

This started because some other idiot in a FB group claimed Teddy Hart messaged him from Jail. If you're in jail you can't get online and message people. I said that and then this ass clown comes along claiming you can, when reality is? You can't. 

And so as you'll see. I easily run rings around this clown. It never, ever.. Takes long for me to make dipshits look stupid.

If me making him look like a total moron wasn't enough. Someone I know messaged This Matthew idiot, and tried to tell him going one on one with me is a losing battle. You'd think the guy would take it into consideration?

Nope, as usual he showed to be as stupid as i thought he was. And my friend Micky clowned him with ease as well. Mickey messaged me part of it and I know he send my reply back to assclown I wasted. So you can see that response here. Making threats that won't do or accomplish a thing against me shows how stupid "marks' are, and always will be. 

So another dipshit bites the dust. Fact is, no matter what jail you're in, anywhere.. If you're in jail the staff there will not, allow you to go onto FB and message people. Where this dumb fuck Matthew gets the idea you can do that from, I have no clue. maybe on Fantasy Island they allow it but in  the real world? No dumb fuck, you can't.

The fact that there are people really THIS STUPID, walking the face of the earth sometimes, really amazes me.

Update: 7:15 PM.

This guy just can't stop giving me ammo on his stupoid, and clueless he is. I really enjoy his persistence at insisting on being an ass clown. 

He tried to say nobody reads this blog and yet, when I show him proof with stats that prove him wrong? What dies he do? The same thing, other "marks" do when they get proven wrong. They try every way possible to get around the fact they were proven wrong. As predictable as a rerun dipshits like this always are. 

As long as he keeps opening his mouth and being a dumb ass, I'll be more than happy to continue, making him look stupid. Doesn't take any effort whatsoever.

Some day, "Marks" will make discussions like this a challenge for me. But as i said earlier, it won't be today. :)

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