Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Sami Callihan DECIMATED by XXXL! (Not Really) | IMPACT! Highlights Mar 30, 2021


If Sami Callihan and Larry D actually knew how to 'sell' properly.. Or at least CHOSE to 'sell' properly, this might have been a pretty good match.  

But, since 'selling' isn't a logical priority in wrestling anymore, and these two can't 'sell' if their lives depended on it, this match was pretty much the shits. 

Which doesn't come as much of a surprise since this IS, Impact Wrestling, where therer hasn't been much of an 'impact' when it comes to their product, in months. 

Sami's attempt at a dive thru the ropes should qualify as the most pathetic dive of the year, bar none. it was that fucking embarrassing. It was as bad as Chris Jericho still trying to do high flying moves that he's now too chubby to do. it was that bad, and then some.

Too bad nobody has the balls to tell Sami don't do dives, it's not meant for you. He simply doesn't have the talent to convincingly pull it off. 

Love how Sami tries to 'sell' a spinning clothesline by Larry that wasn't even close, to connecting. It was so obvious that the move didn't connect that even Stevie Wonder could see Larry missed by a mile. 

Don't 'sell' when you're supposed to but yet, 'sell' when the move misses badly.. Gotta love the logic and mentality of today's wrestlers.

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