Friday, March 12, 2021

Gotta Love The WWE, They Don't Use A Guy In Over Five Months, But Won't Let Him Quit The Company (How Stupid is That?)


Andrade asked for his WWE release earlier this week, but was denied. He asked for his release at the Raw tapings this past Monday and even though the WWE hasn't used the guy, they won't let him go work somewhere else. If that isn't one of the DUMBEST things I ever heard. 

If you're not using the guy, or even pushing him, they why the fuck are you morons keeping him? 

The fact that wrestlers aspire to work for a company that has this kind of dipshit mentality, really does amaze me. 

The 31-year-old has not been on WWE TV in over five months, last seen losing to Angel Garza in a match back in October. Afterward, he was taken out by The Fiend. Prior to disappearing off TV, he teamed regularly with Garza before their team split up.

Gotta love how a guy can go up and say something like "Hey, since you guys haven't used me in several months, how about just releasing me"? And the company just goes "NNAAA".

Only a fucking moron thinks this kind of logic is 'brilliant' (rolls eyes).

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