Thursday, February 18, 2021

Yet ANOTHER EXAMPLE Of How Easy it Is To Smack A "Mark" (They ALWAYS, Do The same, Predictable Shit, LOL)


When are the 'marks' ever gonna learn? That guys like me it's best to avoid because I'll simply, without very much effort, easily run rings around them every time? 

"Marks" today simply, have no real arguing skills. And as predictable as a rerun, they ALWAYS react, the same way, every time. When i say something like "Now go ahead and reply and show how stupid you still are", that's the invitation for them to go ahead and shut the fuck up. 

Unfortunately, "Marks" prove time and again, they're just too stupid, to shut the fuck up. Latest example is here, from.. If you look at the guy's pics on FB, he's your blueprint AEW "Mark", all the way. 

Why is it the AEW "Marks" are the easiest to make look like dumb fucks? 

Anyways, here' the latest 'mark" getting a slap, on an AEW FB group, no less.

I love how he tries to say I'm the bigger dumb ass, when it was HIS dumb ass, that started this by replying to my post. 

The fact there are people really this stupid, walking the planet, is amazing, what's even more amazing is, there's so many of them purposely or insisting, on being this stupid. 

But, that's your wrestling "mark" of today. Easily slapped down without any effort because they can't even make it a challenge, or even try and bring a credible argument to the table. Just the same ol, same ol, tried and true dumb replies and actions because they're incapable of doing anything else.

Someday, some-day, "marks" will actually become a challenge.. It just won't be today. :)

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