Sunday, February 28, 2021

WWE Hall Of Famer Calls Vince McMahon “An A**Hole” For WWE Storyline


In 1996, Jake “The Snake” Roberts was involved in a controversial storyline with fellow WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler which saw “The King” going to great lengths to ridicule Roberts’ issues with alcoholism.

There was also the post-match segment where Lawler force-fed Roberts with a bottle of bourbon at Summerslam 1996. In a recent interview with Gary Cassidy of Inside The Ropes, Roberts felt Vince McMahon and Lawler were a bunch of “a**holes” for exploiting his personal demons for a wrestling storyline.

“Well, I thought it was a horrible thing for McMahon to ask me to do,” said Roberts. “It was cheap, it was disrespectful, it didn’t prove a damn thing other than the fact that Vince McMahon’s an a**hole, so there you go. Lawler, he’s in the the same boat. Both a**holes.”

Fortunately, Roberts did win his battle with addiction as detailed in the 2015 documentary, Resurrection of Jake The Snake. Roberts, 65, said he plans to be around for a long time to watch his grandkids grow older.

“You know, I’ve got some issues that I have to watch, but it’s getting better all the time because I did quit smoking. That’s really hard to do. I will be around for a long time, I have grandkids I want to hang out with now. I want to make somebody else miserable [laughs], so have fun. Yeah, I’m doing much better.”

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