Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Nothing Screams "Clueless Money Mark" More Than This


Yep, You guessed it. Tony Khan, owner and money mark of AEW. I mean look at that face, does that face scream 'brilliant wrestling mind' anywhere? Anywhere?

The answer is pretty obvious if you've seen recent shows of AEW Dynamite.. The answer is, no.

 I mean seriously, the man has the final word on all, ahem.. "booking;' of AEW shows and even books things himself and in the end.. No matter what the AEW 'Marks' and fanboys claim, AEW is the drizzling shits at best. 

He, as well as Cody, Omega and the Young Bucks shouldn't be booking a fucking thing, let alone a wrestling show. It plainly and clearly shows that they don't have the basic fundamentals of what basic booking 101 is. Logic in story lines? Barely there, angles and Story lines that are in some way, believable? Nope, not in AEW. And let's not forget how Khan allows all the no selling, flip flop acrobatic high spots that have no substance because all these improperly trained 'wrestlers' they have on the roster believe in the mentality of they have to get a dozen spots in, in less than three minutes. 

But you know, ol money mark Khan thinks this is 'brilliant stuff' (rolls eyes) when he clearly has no idea what brilliant, really is.

I hope Tony isn't getting any booking ideas from Don Callis, because Callis is on the same level as Khan, Omega, etc when it comes to shitty ass booking, and Impact Wrestling's product for over the last year has proven that to be a fact.  

Why not getting actual ideas on what works and will get over  by some people on your payroll who know, what works and would get over.. Like Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Jake Roberts, Dean Malenko? Oh wait, that would be way too logical and would make sense. God forbid you'd want THAT in AEW, eh? 

But he sure likes to talk shit and make claims.. SSOO, since he recently on the Wrestling Fetish podcast claimed he knows what he's doing.. Let's call him out on that, shall we (and watch how he'll avoid answering, they always do when I call em out.. That's just the way the world is).

On that podcast, he said this..

“If I recall, the biggest money angle you [Konnan/AAA] had that entire year, I booked,” said Khan. “I put that entire Lucha Brothers / Young Bucks program together, and set the whole outline to you, which I still have on my phone".

Okay Tony boy.. PROV E IT! I call bullshit, you didn't lay shit out and if you say you did, PROVE IT! You 'still have it on your phone' so post it, let's see 'HOW' you allegedly 'set the whole outline out'. Put up or shut up Tonyboy and I bet all the silence that comes after you see this, will be the proof I'm right, that you're lying and full of shit. 

No what happens when you have a clueless money mark thinking he can book a major wrestling federation? You end up with a shit show like AEW Dynamite and have the money mark owner making claims that, now that I called him out on, will now, most likely do what's smart and just shut the fuck up. Knowing Tonyboy doesn't like to be challenged, he most likely will do what others have done when I called them out, and that's shut the fuck up.. he knows it's in his best interests to do just that cause everyone knows now that I called him out, he'll just avoid or try and sidestep it, bitching up like everyone else does, that's just what happens and it happens, every time. Not my fault that's just the way, the world is. :) 

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