Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Mahabali Shera IS BACK, (whirls finger and mumbles 'Whoopie" ) Helps Rohit Raju Pin Champion! | IMPACT! Highlights Feb 2, 2021


This is like, they're not even TRYING to 'sell' moves properly. TJP gets nailed with a rolling elbow and literally.. LITERALLY, "sells' the move for one second before running to the other side of the ring so he can do yet another pointless high flying move, that his opponent doesn't even TRY, and 'sell' correctly. 

Pretty sad when wrestlers of this era either, aren't rained correctly to know what proper 'selling' is, or they're too lazy and just don't want to 'sell' correctly. 

It's always amazing on when I ask a wrestler of this era whether it's they weren't trained correctly, or are too lazy to want to 'sell' correctly, they always find a way to dodge the question. Makes you go, HHHMMM.

Anyways here's the link to this catastrophe of a match. The fact that fans actually think these kind of pointless acrobatic moves with tons of no selling are considered ;'great matches;', show just how clueless the fans and marks today really are. 


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