Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Another Horrible Segment On Impact As Juice Robinson & David Finlay DEBUT, Confronted by Good Brothers! | IMPACT! Highlights Feb 16, 2021


Who the fuck, wrote the promo for The Good Brothers? Whoever wrote it for them needs to stop writing promos for people. And if it was The Good brothers who came up with this shit on their own? Then maybe they need to have someone write promos for them, because their promo sucked ass, big time. 

For some reason 'marks' are really high on this team. I don't see it, I can't see why. They do pretty much the same moves every other tag team does and they do nothing that really stands out, except make shitty promos like the on here.

Maybe that's what makes them stand out, their shit promos. 

This whole "Being confronted' had 'cure for insomnia' written all over it, it was that bad. 

Thank God I only watch the highlights on YouTube, because there's no way I could suffer thru an entire show full of shit like this. But this.. is what Impact thinks is 'great programming' (rolls eyes) .

Here's the link if you really want to see this utter crap.


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