Sunday, January 17, 2021

WWE Adds "Hidden Gem" That's So Hidden, It's On YouTube, LMAO!


Yes, once again, it's true, it's true.. The WWE is so fucking dumb that they added a match on their network that's 'ssoooo hidden' it's been hiding out on YouTube, for as long as... Wait for it, wait for it.... FOURTEEN FFFUUCCKING, YEARS!!!  hahahahahahaha. That's right, fourteen years in one instance but according to the WWE, it's a 'hidden gem'.

Can they get any more stupid? I'm sure they can.

But since the marks and the fanboys will call "Bullshit", I, as usual, prove that proof is a mother fucker because I'm a motherfucker that always has proof. So here it is. 

Here's the story on it, from PWInsider that someone sent to me. 

Now one simple search on YouTube? Oh lo and BEHOLD.. Look what comes up.

Yep, sure looks like a fucking 'hidden gem' to me, LMAO!

And since I'm such a nice guy? I'm even gonna furnish one of them links for you right here. You can watch the complete match, WITHOUT The WWE Network.

You're welcome. :)

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