Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Impact Shows Why They Still Suck As... Rich Swann GIFTS a World Title Shot to Tommy Dreamer! | IMPACT! Highlights Jan 26, 2021


This comes off as so pathetic on so many levels. Willie Mac shouldn't be giving anyone a Stunner, Bey 'over sells' the stunner and it's so obvious he's over selling it. The only thing 'The Draw' draws for me is a sudden case of sleepiness every time I hear him speak. 

They had me interested last week withy Moose vs Swann segment where they both brawled at the end, BUT.. Callis and D'Amore blew it this week with this God Fucking Awful segment. Way too many people in it, they could've just kept it Moose and Swann and have Mack come in at the end.. But something so simple always seems to over the heads of guys like Callis and D'Amore. 

Anyway, here's link to the segment, for the three people who actually WANT, to see this pathetic crap.

And in case some dumb 'mark' wants to say something like "You don't have the balls to say that to Impact. Let me go ahead and shut your mouth and keep you silent, right now.

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