Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Silliness That Don Callis Claimed He Would Get Rid Of, Continues with? Su Yung CAPTURED by Father James Mitchell's Minions! | IMPACT! Highlights Dec 1, 2020


Callis claimed when he took over as booker that he was going to, quote" get rid of all the silliness that has plagued Impact Wrestling", unquote.

Needless to say he hasn't and every time I've called him out on it, asking "How can you get rid of the silliness if YOU'RE now the one writing and booking the silliness", he somehow never seems to have an answer for that. Makes you go, HHMMM.

But nonetheless, here's yet another example, of the 'silliness' that continues to run rampant in Impact Wrestling, thanks to? Don Callis.

Father James Mitchell makes good on his deal with Deonna Purrazzo as he sends his dark minions to capture "The Bloody Undead Bride" Su Yung!


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