Tuesday, December 29, 2020

PWTorch parts ways with Bruce Mitchell after 30 years (Updated)

The Bruce Mitchell article, with thoughts on how professional wrestler Jon Huber(Brodie Lee/Luke Harper) died, has been banned and totally removed from the PWTorch.com website….

Bruce was asking many questions concerning the death of Jon Huber, and Bruce was looking for transparency in regards to Huber’s two-month hospital stay, and Bruce Mitchell was looking for answers from AEW/All Elite Wrestling in regards to Huber’s hospital stay, and Huber’s deteriorated lung condition…

Bruce was all calling for information from Huber’s(Lee’s/Harper’s) family concerning the cause of death, for Jon Huber…

Jon Huber’s widow Amanda Huber posted a message on Instagram about her late husband (a/k/a Brodie Lee) on Tuesday night, providing more details on his medical situation and criticizing an editorial column by a now-former PWTorch.com columnist.

She also spoke about the journey they’d been on as a couple and how good things seemed to be before his death.

“Imagine being 17 and spending a night chatting with a mutual friend,” she wrote. “Then realizing that they were ‘the one.'”

She said they spent seven years in an on again/off again relationship, gave it one last shot, went through therapy, and dated some more.

She spoke about discovering they were having a baby boy “the day he is downsized” (from WWE). She talked about him getting his dream job (in AEW) only to suffer an injury.

“You go on to build your dream life with another perfect little boy, 2 crazy dogs, and 5 cats. They get an opportunity to really bet on themselves and you watch them shine like never before. Life is SO good.”

She then said he got sick one day, then got sicker and sicker. “You know how much they value their privacy, so you ask those helping you to keep it quiet out of respect for them,” she said. “You watch helplessly as they worse and worse. Covid test, after covid test, after covid test, come back negative. You almost pray for a positive one because it would be some kind of answer. You never get one.

“Suddenly they are gone.”

She then commented on an opinion piece published on PWTorch Sunday by Bruce Mitchell. The column has since been removed, and PWTorch parted ways with the author on Tuesday.

“You have to try to figure out how to imagine your future now,” she wrote. “Then you read a ‘journalist’ demanding ‘transparency’ and insinuates you’re hiding something. That it’s some type of cover up. Something more so sinister. That you aren’t serving his memory best by not offering up information you’re still trying to process. As if his death was a public health hazard. It wasn’t. It was a tragedy.

“There is no cover up. There’s no conspiracy. There was just a series of unfortunate events that ended in your world being crushed. What kind of position does that put you in? When you’re trying to grieve and people practically expect you to post medical records because, since they were a public figure, they are entitled to all the knowledge of what happened.

“It wasn’t covid. There’s no shame in dying from Covid, but it’s not what it was. You have no answers and you’re just left there. Can you just fuckin’ imagine that?”

AEW is dedicating Wednesday’s episode of AEW Dynamite to the memory of Brodie Lee.

In a statement posted on Pro Wrestling Torch's web page they announ ced the parting of Bruce Mitchell.

"Yesterday on PWTorch.com, senior columnist Bruce Mitchell published an editorial concerning the death of Jon Huber (a/k/a Brodie Lee, Luke Harper) that did not go through the normal vetting and editing process for Mitchell’s columns in general, and especially for such a sensitive topic.

I was not given the opportunity to see the column before it was published. Out of deference to Bruce’s 30 years as a staff writer, I chose not to immediately remove or edit the column as I assessed the situation, which included a discussion with him. Based on that conversation and additional reporting, I decided that the column does not meet our standards for publication. The piece has been removed from the site.. Bruce Mitchell is no longer a staff member of Pro Wrestling Torch. I spoke with him earlier today and let him know my decision, as well as the reasons behind it. I thank him for over 30 years of contributions that helped shape and grow Pro Wrestling Torch. Bruce informed and entertained readers and listeners with sharp, hard-hitting, informed columns and podcasts.  In addition, he has been a dear friend outside of the professional realm. I wish him well. I also apologize to the Huber family for any pain the column caused".

Link to their statement is here. . https://www.pwtorch.com/site/2020/12/29/editors-note-concerning-a-published-column-regarding-the-death-of-jon-huber/?fbclid=IwAR1qr304iN4sbYPw4tJuKrg5p77TaIGcsuboWcENuFp8OqFVpvFsA4HRD2E

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