Sunday, December 20, 2020

And THIS, Is What Professional Wrestling Has Come To (Mumbles "Ay Yay Yay" And Shakes His Head)


Can we get anymore, unprofessional? Let's wait a week and we'll find out.

Ben-K suffered a concussion and was knocked out cold in his Open the Dream Gate title match with Shun Skywalker earlier today. The match kept going with him just laying there and he took several moves while knocked out. This wasn't handled well at all. He is said to be okay.

BCW on Saturday night in Melbourne, Australia:  Cletus b Ritchie Taylor, Sketch b Zhan Wen, Mick Moretti d Adam Brooks 30:00 draw, Gore b Tome Filip, Gabriel Wolfe b Mad Dog in a hardcore match.  Apparently the main event had a big problem. Mad Dog tried to do a leg drop  on a flaming table but his leg caught fire and Wolfe didn't notice and tried to keep the match going.  but they ended up just stopping the match and awarding it to Wolfe. 

This could be filed under "Don't be doing shit, you don't know how to do, or shouldn't be doing". 

But with this current era of so called, ahem 'workers'. I bet we'll just be seeing more of this careless bullshit.

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