Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The USWA vs GWF Feud Vol.1

 From May 1992, Eddie Gilbert comes out during a Lauren Davenport interview unannounced. He talks about the USWA and how he went to the Global Wrestling Federation and won the World title. He also talks about the USWA open door policy and Jerry Lawler. This brings out Guy Coffey and Eddie Marlin. Tom Prichard comes out and challenges Eddie.

This is part 1 of a multi part series. Before the feuds with WWF and SMW, The USWA feuded with the Global Wrestling Federation from Dallas. Eddie Gilbert was fired/quit the GWF and brought the GWF title with him. Other guys featured in this feud was Bull Pain and Samantha, Steven Dane, Bert Prentice and Mike Samples as a Vince Mcmahon figure head character. It didn't last very long(only a couple months) because the head of the GWF, Max Andrews threatened to sue. Still this is rare stuff and pretty funny.

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