Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Silliness' That Don Callis Claimed He Would Get Rid of? Continues With.. EC3 KIDNAPS Jimmy Jacobs, Issues Warning to Moose! | IMPACT! Highlights Oct 20, 2020

 I wrote this article back in 2017 that featured Callis making the claim that he would "get rid of the silliness" That has plagued Impact Wrestling".  

Here's an update on that from 2018,  

And here's another one from back in February of this year. 

I can post acouple more but you get the point.. Which is why, this video from Impact with EC3 'kidnapping' Jimmy Jacobs is as lame a sit sounds.

Proving again that you can't get rid of it if you're n ow the one creating it. Boom. So nice of Callis to continue validating my point, and for so long too. :) 

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