Monday, October 26, 2020

News On Marty Scurll Being Removed From ROH Roster

After accusations stemming from the #SpeakingOut movement earlier this year, Marty Scurll took a hiatus from ROH as the company began "an immediate investigation into the claims made against its currently contracted wrestlers."

Back in June, Scurll gave two statements about sexual assault allegations towards him. Below is an excerpt:

"In 2015 after a wrestling event in the UK, I had a brief consensual sexual encounter with a woman. In that moment, at a bar, in those circumstance, I had no cause to question her age. I don't say of of this lightly or to seek absolution for my ignorance. Although I did not become aware of her age until after the encounter, the reality of the age disparity is not lost on me. I understand that although our encounter was technically legal in the UK, my lack of good judgement that evening has disappointed many fans."

Re-signing with ROH in January, Scurll took over head booker duties, which are now reportedly handled by Hunter Johnston (aka Delirious).

Scurll has recently been removed from the ROH active roster page. Scurll currently doesn't have a role in the company.

The former ROH TV Champion is reportedly not fired from the company, but is still not involved with creative, nor does ROH have any plans to use him. He hasn't wrestled since February, and didn't appear at any recent tapings.

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