Thursday, October 29, 2020

Meltzer Gets it Wrong, AGAIN (And The 'Meltzer Marks' Fell For it) As Billy Corgan Sets Things Straight About Thunder Rosa

 Imagine that, Dave Meltzer gets something wrong, again. It's nothing new really as he regularly gets things wrong as of late, so this isn't surprising at all. Meltzer has a habit of trying to make his 'wishful thinking' seem like credible reporting and when he does, he has a habit of getting checked.. And put in his place on it. And sadly, the "Meltzer Marks" fall for this, every single time as well.

It started out with this, Meltzer's own words on Twitter.

But since most 'credible' wrestling writers such as myself already know she's under contract to the NWA, I didn't fall for this line of bullshit. But tons of 'Meltzer Marks' sure did, as well as at least two dozen so-called 'wrestling news' sites on Twitter fell for it too as they posted the same thing.

This lead to Thunder Rosa herself to tease and play with Meltzer and the 'Meltzer Marks' by posting this on Twitter, knowing she was under contract to the NWA and wasn't going anywhere.

Then came this from Billy Corgan, president of, the NWA, who went ahead and put Meltzer in his place with the truth. 

Of course you know, Dave Meltzer won't retract what he said and admit he was wrong. Lord knows how many times I've checked him, gave him proof that I checked him and in the end he blocked me because he didn't like being put in his place by me. Meltzer feels admitting he's wrong is 'beneath him'. Even though any blind man can see, just by what I posted here, that he called it wrong... Again..

I could go ahead and post hours and hours of 'Meltzer Marks' speculating on whether Rosa was gonna go to AEW or WWE. That's how much the "Meltzer Marks" fell for this line of bullshit. And I bet the two dozen 'news' sites on Twitter haven't and won't put a retraction  that they too, were wrong because they, like the 'Meltzer Marks' fell for the wishful thinking that is now Dave's reporting. 

Which is why there's people like myself, who know better and have the knowledge to know, when Meltzer is lying just to get click bait and attention to himself. You can thank me now for always knowing better.

Too bad, the 'Meltzer Marks' won't ever smarten up.. But that's why they are marks, they don't wanna smarten up, apparently.

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