Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Who's The MORON Who Titled This Wrong On Bischoff's 83 Weeks Podcast?

Obviously somebody doesn't know what the fuck they're doing because what is titled as "Eric Bischoff Shoots On Jeff Jarrett Drug Arrest"? is ACTUALLY... Bischoff talking about? Jeff Hardy.

Can we say "DDUUHH, DIPSHIT"!

Here's the proof since proof is, a mother fucker and I'm always, the mother fucker who has the proof. You can see this stupidity, right before your very eyes.

There it is, as i said it was titled.. NOW, go to the link where this dumb shit is at, right here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY7J4Xr70t0&t=316s And listen for yourself.

Yes, people really ARE, this... Fucking stupid.

And like the other times this has happened? You can bet they won't even TRY and correct it. Correcting their fuckups seems to something that's 'beneath them'.

Yes indeedy, pic of Jarrett yet talk about Hardy. it doesn't get much dumber than that.

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