Saturday, September 5, 2020

MLW Underground #9: Sabu vs. La Parka

•Mexican Massacre Match: Sabu vs. La Parka
•Sabu Vs. La Parka II
•Los Maximos vs. Samoan Island Tribe

Prepare to witness a massacre as the legendary war between La Parka and Sabu continues.
One week removed from La Parka sending Sabu’s longtime manager Bill Alfonso to the hospital, two of the most dangerous men in the history of MLW face off in a match of La Parka’s design, the Mexican Massacre!

But, we also see how we got to this Mexican Massacre with a double dose of Sabu and La Parka!
Los Maximos finally confront who attacked them a few weeks ago, and The two Brooklyn brothers may have wished they kept a bit more quiet.

All of this plus comments from Los Maximos, The Samoan Island Tribe, an update on Mike Awesome’s quest to become MLW World Heavyweight Champion and MORE!

Join Joey Styles as he calls the action!

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