Monday, September 21, 2020

CWE (Canada) Announces Changes For Upcoming Events

 CWE announced that due to the U.S./Canada border being closed as well as others not allowed in from foreign countries that their next tour will not have previously advertised Shane Douglas, Vincent, Jimmy Jacobs, Simon Marcellus Prime, The Mercenary, Koda Jacobs, Robin Lekime, Lory, Matt Taven or Silas Young. Shows in Alberta and Manitoba are limited to 100 fans but they are going to run.  However at this point with crowds much lower than break even being allowed in Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Ontario, they can not host events in those provinces.  

None allow crowds of more than 50 people.  It's really notable with the size of crowds allowed in the U.S. and all our problems and how cases are so much lower in Canada yet the restrictions remain more stringent.

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