Monday, August 17, 2020

Wrestling 'efed' Group 'iW" gets slammed.

A wrestling 'efed' is a fantasy wrestling group. Where people create their own wrestling characters, do promos and participate on 'shows' that based on actual (in most cases) pro wrestling shows.

One of these 'efed groups' is called iW, they're a 'brand' that's banner in which other 'efeds' are under. 'iW' also has a reputation for shitting on other people's art work and creativity but yet claiming what they do and how they do it is the best and their way, is the way it should be done over any other way.

This is of course, bullshit, but that is the 'iW' mentality and their response they hide behind is 'don't be bitter get better'. But when someone takes them to task they sure get all in an uproar, and they actually get bitter because one has the nerve, the gumption to actually call out their obvious flaws.

Such is in the case of the 'titles' this iW claims to use as their 'titles' in their efed world. It doesn't take much to find them if you know where on FB to look for them but here's three examples of the 'titles' that this 'great' iW uses.

There's this.

If this isn't as cheesy as it gets, but iW is actually 'proud' to acknowledge THIS, as one of their titles, LMAO! But then there's this one that look like some kid made in his mother's basement.

Yes, this supposed to considered a 'great' title within the world of iW fantasy wrestling, and the guy who made this one? Admits he's proud of it.

Nothing like being proud of the crappy titles you made down in your mother's basement. But at least he's honest and admits he's proud of the third grade art work.

Then there's THIS GENIUS, who tries to get himself over with this pic, only to get quickly owned and put in his place.

For a group that's supposed to be 'so much better' than everyone else in the world of efedding, how is it they can easily be made to look like ass clowns?

Maybe before they continue to shit on other people, they should look in their mirror at themselves. because if there's anyone who's clearly looking like jack asses here? it's this 'iW' group.

The least these guys can do is to at least try and be a little more original or if they're so 'above' everyone else. prove it with something better than titles that look lime a five year old made.

If anyone in this 'iW' sees this? Don't be mad, don't be bitter, just do better, like you tell everyone else to do.

Doesn't feel good when someone gives you a taste of your own medicine, does it. 

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