Monday, August 17, 2020

When You Prove Someone In The "Wrestling Business' Wrong, And They Get Temperamental LMAO! (Updated)

I came across a post by my friend Ron Von Hess, who wrestles for WUW in Washington State and other places. A guy who works for "Immortal Wrestling tried to insinuate that Ron doesn't know Wrestling Legend Kevin Sullivan.

As someone who's known Ron since his early days wrestling in Arizona and has followed his journey to what he's doing now, I can surely attest that not only DOES Ron know him, they've worked together. The evidence and proof of that is so fucking easy to find. Go right to YouTube and it's right there. So since 'Jay' has Ron blocked, I said I'd go ahead and provide to proof to jay. because, as I've said before on this blog. Proof, is a mother fucker and I'm always a guy who has proof.

SSOO, since that is the case. I went ahead and proved the guy wrong.. Now had this guy just acknowledged that he was wrong and left it at that, things would've been fine. BBUUTT NNOO.. The thing that always happens when I go and put someone in their place happened again. And you'll see how this guy changes his story AFTER he says Ron is owed an apology.. You'll see how this guy 'claims' someone else was 'operating' the 'Jay White' account (which everyone knows is bullshit) and in the end, before he goes and blocks the convo like a little bitch (the very predictably yet typical thing that always happens when someone gets 'checked' by me so easily) he posts a link to a story from 2019, like he thinks he got something HUGE and 'earth shattering over me..

As you'll see by the screen shots, the mother fucker was either too ignorant, or lazy to scroll down and see the comments on the story and see how it was worked out. Which goes to show you, what a dumb fuck 'Jay White' really is.

So here's the convo between 'Jay' and I.

Here's the link that was posted right before 'Jay' pulled his bitch move and blocked the convo.

Now.. if one were to actually go ahead and scroll down and see the comments on this story (from 2019 mind you, he couldn't get anything else) You'd see THIS..

As you can see, at the time, things were getting worked out and actually DID get worked out (Funny how neglected to update THAT part of it, HHMMM).  And as you also can see, the story didn't do any harm to Ron's career or image as he's still very successful on the indie scene.

Nice try 'Jay'. You tried to get yourself over but in the end, you made yourself look like a dumb fuck, hope you're proud of yourself.

Never fuck with guy who has proof, because a guy like me? Can and will easily, with no effort needed, put you in your place. And then show why the wrestling business has a lot of fucking idiots infested in it.

And in case you may think I'm lying? here's acouple screen shots I just received from Ron Von Hess himself, of the very convo with 'Jay' that started it all. Nothing like more truth to be added to show how much 'Jay' is a liar, and a fucking moron.

Evidence like does? Always does wonders when it comes to having to bury someone. :)

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