Tuesday, August 4, 2020

MLW Underground #4: Sabu vs. Taiyo Kea | La Parka vs. Shocker

•Sabu (managed by Bill Alfonso) vs. Taiyo Kea
•La Parka vs. Shocker
•Super Crazy vs. Fuego Guerrero

In the main event, Sabu looks to unleash carnage as he battles  the top challenger for the MLW World Heavyweight Championship, Taiyo Kea of All Japan Pro Wrestling.

As Sabu’s feud with La Parka continues to heat up, both men are in singles action in this edition of MLW Underground as they prepare for their upcoming Mexican Massacre Match.

Standing across from Sabu will be a man mentored by Keiji Mutoh, All Japan Pro Wrestling’s Taiyo Kea. Kea looks to add another top ranked wrestler to his growing list of victories as he prepares to face MLW World Heavyweight Champion Satoshi Kojima.

La Parka faces one of Mexico’s top luchadores in what is considered to be a dream match for fans across the world, as he will face off against the man who is 1000% Guapo, Shocker.

MLW is and has been the destination for some of the best in Lucha Libre and this week is no different as Fuego Guerrero looks to not only show what zero gravity is, but prove he is deserving of glory as he faces Super Crazy!

Steve Corino, the leader of the Extreme Horsemen, continues his war of words with the hardcore legend Terry Funk.

PLUS: an update on the MLW Global Tag-Team Crown Championship tournament, and more on Raven’s mysterious issues with Vampiro.

Joey Styles as he calls the action from the historic Manhattan Center in New York City.

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