Saturday, August 15, 2020

MLW Posts On Situation With Davey Boy Smith Jr.

MLW’s website posted a statement from head of wrestling operations Jared St. Laurent regarding Davey Boy Smith Jr.:

“I want to address some misinformation put out there. I had talks with Impact about Davey Boy possibly crossing over and doing some dates. We had a very positive conversation with Impact. Scott D’Amore and Impact were great to deal with and we were absolutely open to it. We gave Davey several options for how we could make this work as well as help him out financially during the pandemic. Davey opted to do nothing, unfortunately. It could’ve been a win/win for all 3 parties. It’s a shame but that is the full story. On a personal level, I’ve known Davey for almost 2 decades. It’s sad to see him elect to end his tenure with yet another company on such a sour note.”

You can see the actual statement here.

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