Monday, August 31, 2020

Hey Meltzer, Where's The Link To This Story At? Never Mind, I'll Furnish It Since You're Incapable Of It

Dave Meltzer strikes again in the name of fucking idiots.. Here take a look at how dumb assed he is, again.

This is from his 'daily update' that he did himself.

Hey Dipshit Dave, one question, WHERE does Charlie Platt talk about it? YouTube? Newspaper article? What, Where? Because you obviously decided NOT to bother posting where he talks about his last visit with Bob Armstrong.

What kind of moron, does this? oh the moron named Meltzer, who has a habit of not putting links to stories he posts on his web page. Here's an example or two that I showed myself that Meltzer if a fabulous fuck up when it comes to this.

There's one, oh wait, want another? Here you go.

Still want another? Ok, Have plenty :)

Oh wait here's yet another.. See the pattern here?

I can post three more examples but you see what I mean. Meltzer needs someone to post links for him since he doesn't seem to have the mental capacity to do it on his own anymore.

And since YOU Dave Meltzer can't post the link to the Charlie Platt story? Here you go, I'll once again.. Do it for you.

When you finally get your lazy ass around to correcting yourself (that is, if you even have the balls to do that), make sure you thank me for doing what you obviously weren't smart enough, OR were too lazy to do.

You're welcome, dumb ass.

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