Friday, August 14, 2020

AEW Releases Jimmy Havoc And Bea Priestley

AEW has released Jimmy Havoc and Bea Priestley.

There had been speculation on AEW releasing Sadie Gibbs, Havoc and Priestley after their profiles were removed from the official AEW roster. Gibbs confirmed her departure on Twitter, as we noted before at this link. Now has confirmed the other two departures.

Priestley signed with AEW in February 2019 after turning down a WWE offer. She debuted at Fight for the Fallen on July 13 of last year, teaming with Shoko Nakajima to defeat Riho and Britt Baker. Priestley last wrestled on the March 11 Dynamite episode, teaming with Nyla Rose to defeat Kris Statlander and current Women's World Champion Hikaru Shida. It looked as if she was about to enter into a feud with Rose.

AEW issued a statement on Havoc back in June after a woman named Rebecca Crow, who bills herself on Twitter as an international stage performer and adult content creator, used the "#SpeakingOut" movement to accuse him of physical and mental abuse why they dated for several years. AEW noted then that they wished Havoc the best as he received treatment and counseling in an effort to overcome the mental health and substance abuse challenges in his life. Havoc signed with AEW in February 2019 and debuted in the 2019 Double Or Nothing Pre-show Battle Royal on May 25. He last wrestled on the June 17 Dynamite episode, teaming with Kip Sabian for a loss to The Young Bucks.

It's been said that Havoc likely would not be brought back due to allegations against him coming out of the "#SpeakingOut" movement, which is why he was suspended before undergoing treatment for some of his issues.

AEW President & CEO Tony Khan noted a few months back that he did not want to release anyone during the coronavirus pandemic, but that there would come a time where they would have to make cuts if people couldn't travel into the United States. It was also said that when you keep adding talent, at some point there has to be cuts.Gibbs and Priestley were released mainly due to their inability to get into the United States for TV tapings, and how it looks like that won't be changing any time soon. Gibbs was reportedly brought in as a project, in the sense that she wasn't ready but she was a great athlete with a good look.

Havoc, Priestley and Gibbs are all from the UK.

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