Thursday, July 9, 2020

THIS? (revealing the old ECW FTW title) Is The Best, AEW Can Scrape Up In Order To Be An "WWE Alternative"? (YAWNS)

THIS, is the best AEW can do to try and be an alternative to WWE? Dig out an old title from ECW that didn't mean anything? (Yawns). If this is the best AEW can scrape up, then I'm glad i just catch clips here on YouTube. because every week they come with something that further validates why, they're not worth investing much time in. They make Impact look really good right now, and Impact sucks out loud, so that's saying something.

Here's the clip.

Taz claims that 'no promotion' recognized the FTW title.. UUUMM, wrong dumb ass, ECW did which is why Paul Heyman allowed it as part of ECW programming, stupid.

 Nice try though, but some fans, know better, moron.

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