Thursday, July 2, 2020

Jarrett's Soap Opera Of A Lawsuit Against Anthem Has These Results So Far.

The trial regarding the lawsuit brought against Impact Wrestling parent company Anthem Wrestling by Jeff Jarrett and his company Global Force Entertainment (parent company of GFW) is still ongoing in Nashville, TN.

Thus far, the only confirmed note coming out of the proceedings thus far is that GFW (AKA Jeff Jarrett since he is the ONLY owner and employee of GFW) has dropped their claims of Federal Trademark Infringement and Counterfeiting of the GFW brand as well as the allegation that Anthem created Unfair Competition under Tennessee common law by their usage of the GFW brand.

They entered day four of the trial this morning. And if this is an example of what's gonna hapen, then  what i said when  this all started, in what seems like a lifetime ago.. Will be correct..

And what i said then was? He was wasting his fucking time.. So far, it looks like I was right (smiles).

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