Tuesday, July 28, 2020

EC3 Talks What Went Wrong In WWE, Meetings With Vince McMahon, If Impact Was His Only Option

Dave LeGreca and Bully Ray welcomed Impact Wrestling's EC3 onto the Busted Open podcast to talk about his WWE run and what went wrong in WWE. EC3 talked about the micromanaging in WWE and the lack of trust within the leadership.

"Yeah like with anything, it starts at the top, and I think the very very top is micromanaging [at an] extremely dangerous level where there is no trust in the Lieutenants, majors, and generals to do anything," EC3 stated. "Everything goes through the top and what the top's inundated with. So much business gets lost, I believe you had EY (Eric Young) on here and you mentioned there's a broken system. It seems like it.

"I'm not following the product, but they have the most talented roster in the world, and the product becomes unwatchable and insufferable sometimes. As a leader, instead of passing blame to people and firing them, sometimes it comes down on me and so leadership starts at the top."

EC3 gave his opinion as to why his WWE career wasn't taking off after returning as EC3. He talked about already being established and the feeling in the company that they didn't need to work on anything else with him since he had a fanbase during his debut.

"I started with a great match to kick it off," EC3 noted. "I think the problem was, I created such a self-made brand and individuality and persona that when they threw me out there, I was already very popular and 'over' that they realized we don't have to worry about this kid and nobody took it upon themselves to manufacture what I was to them.

"When it becomes nobody's project, you can just fall into the complacency of being a popular act or semi-over. So I think that's part of it. Plus, NXT is mostly a stomping ground cause we think my skills would be for main roster kind of talent."

EC3 also talked about his call-up to the main roster being rushed as well as his return from his injury being rushed as well. He stated that he is currently happy now and hopes to take "the narrative of the wrestling world" and Impact Wrestling to different places.

"When I did get called up, it was a rush call up," EC3 admitted. "My mistake was trusting the process and believing there's a reason for it as opposed to it was a rash decision because they were feeling heat for some reason. My mistake was thinking that it was for a reason. I take full accountability for that. Plus they called me up and I was out with an injury. I was rushed back from injury. I was not in a good place physically and mentally.

"Whatever. It did not work and that's fine because it not working has made me create something I'm finally happy and proud of and hopefully can take not only to Impact Wrestling but to the narrative of the wrestling world in various different locations. I think various different locations are ripe to take over this scene I think coming."

EC3 is back with Impact Wrestling, but he noted that Impact was not his only option after leaving WWE. He teased he has things in the works in other places that almost no one knows about.

"Absolutely not. Every option was and is on the table," EC3 revealed. "What I'm doing is controlling the narrative. I have things in works in multiple locations and plans to hopefully bend the narrative and confuse people. I love the fact nobody knows what I'm doing."

EC3 was one of many people released as part of budgetary cuts made by WWE during the COVID-19 pandemic. He was asked if he would be in a more comfortable position if the pandemic never happened.

"I would have, post-WrestleMania, request my release privately," EC3 revealed. "I would not have been the guy who takes his business public, trying to get out. I would have a man-to-man conversation to whoever it was worth and their decision may have been yes, may have been no.

"I think I had people in my corner, but nobody that would openly step up because everyone is scared and apprehensive and no one wants to rock the boat. So they're like 'Man I can't believe they don't let you talk'. You're in the production meetings. You can say something."

EC3 was also asked if he had ever opened up to Vince McMahon. He said he's had one-on-one meetings with McMahon, but the two never saw eye-to-eye in terms of the direction of his character.

"I've had one-on-ones with Vince," EC3 said. "They were always good and instructive and he saw me for what I am. 'Look good, work good'. I'm not like the workhorse. He doesn't make money off those guys. He makes money off guys who have charisma which I have. He saw one promo and thought it was over the top. I'm like, 'well that was one, and I can always scale it back. Yeah, it's funny that you don't talk.'

"'It's only killing me inside. It's cool. Your show, great.' There were those meetings where you feel good walking out, but nothing ever happens. Pitched him a bunch of different ideas. Showed him a video of me and Drake Maverick he goes 'Oh this is great!', but nothing happens."

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