Friday, June 26, 2020

WELL WELL.. The WWE FINALLY Decides It Wants To Do Something And Fires Both Travis Banks & El Ligero

While WWE hasn't gathered the guts to officially announce Banks' release Or El Ligero's release, They have removed both from the NXT UK roster page of their website.

Last week, Banks was accused by wrestler Millie McKenzie of numerous acts of wrongdoing while he was her trainer, including engaging in a relationship with her while she was under 18.  McKenzie stated that as her trainer, Banks abused his position of trust.

Banks responded last week via Twitter, writing:

Ligero was accused of harassment and wrongdoing by several female wrestlers in Great Britain as part of the #SpeakingOut movement.   Wrestler Violet O’Hara/Claire-Michelle Oldfield stated in an Twitter post that Liger had "indecently assaulted" her after she allowed him to lay in her bed when he was let into a hotel room she was sharing with others.

He responded to those accusations before deleting his Twitter account.  In the now-deleted response, Ligero wrote, "The current story that has been released by Violet O’Hara/Claire-Michelle Oldfield is neither accurate nor true.  This is a completely false allegation and whilst I’ve done other things in my life that I deeply regret, this isn’t an accurate or truthful portrayal of events.  This is something I strongly deny and is something I’ve been in the process of speaking to a legal team about.  Regarding the other statements from people like Laura, Natalie who have spoken out about the way they were made to feel, and others that have come forward about unwanted messages, I have no excuse.   It’s inappropriate, it’s an embarrassment and it’s an absolute shameful way to act from someone in a position of trust. I sincerely apologise for my actions and any hurt I’ve caused.  I have no justification of my actions in the slightest. In these situations, I have failed people as a friend, as a fiancée and as a decent human being."

If the story isn't true, then why was he so quick to delete his Twitter account? Makes you go, HHMMMM. Innocent people don't do that so what is he really trying to hide?

His accuser's statement can be found here.

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