Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tony Khan Reveals That Hulk Hogan Is Banned From AEW Shows (Like Hogan Really Gives Two Shits)

I guess this is the only thing Khan could scrape up to try, and keep his name relevant, LMAO!

AEW President & CEO Tony Khan took to Twitter today and revealed that WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan is banned from all AEW events.

It appears Khan is banning Hogan due to the racist comments debacle that he was involved in from a few years back. Khan revealed the ban when responding to Hogan's ex-wife Linda Hogan and her comments on the rioting & looting going on around the country amid the positive protests for George Floyd.

Linda wrote, "watching the looting , it's all afro Americans, not sure how robbing and stealing set the record straight but if they want to be heard they need to be civilized."

Khan responded and referred to Linda as Hogan's wife. They have been divorced since 2009.

"You've now joined your husband in being banned from all AEW shows. Congratulations," Khan wrote to Linda".

Trust me when I say, they BOTH, probably don't give two shits.

Of all the things Tony Khan could do to bring attention to himself, THIS, is it? Really?

Instead of looking for weak, lame ways to bring attention to yourself, why not go and find a way to change Brodie Lee's lame gimmick that isn't getting over with anyone? Why not explain the reason why one of your EVP's insisted on booking himself to be champion (Cody)?

Why not do that? NNAA, that would make too much sense. Just go ahead and proclaim someone, who isn't even interested in working for your wrestling company (Because he's under a WWE contract, dumb ass) is banned from coming to your wrestling company's shows. Yeah do that, that makes 'just sssoo much more sense'..

And uum, Tony.. YYOO HHOOO, Tony.. Guess what, there's one small thing you forgot when you were trying to make your name relevant again.. Guess what dipshit.. LINDA ISN'T MARRIED TO HIM ANYMORE, JACK ASS!!

Feel stupid Tonyboy? We know you do.

Another example of why Tony Khan, is a fucking moron.

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