Friday, May 22, 2020

Whoever Is Posting Conrad's Stuff Is obviously An F'N Idiot

I mean seriously, is it really THAT HARD, to post things or title things correctly on YouTube? Shouldn't be that hard. I've done it, BBUUUTT.. As you'll see by the pattern laid out before you here. SOMEBODY needs to stay the fuck awake when they're doing this.

There's this story I did. where it's titled with Scott Hall's name but NO MENTION AT ALL of Scott Hall in the segment.

Then there's one.. Where it's supposed to be Bischoff shooting on what TNA did right. BUT.. Doesn't mention one thing they did right, LOL! Plus the other segment in the story where the voices were going too fast and they sounded like they inhaled helium.

YYEPPP real professional job here, Top fucking notch, The Dave Meltlzer five stars for failure, right here. But, there's more..

There's this one here.. as well.

You see the pattern of fucking up here? WHO THE FUCK OR HOW THE FUCK, CAN YOU FUCK THIS UP, SSOOO OFTEN?

WELL.. Some has, and as you're about to see? Continues to.

Here you go.. Today's fuck up by the 'ace genius' who's in charge of constantly screwing it up..

Yes indeedy, let's go ahead and put the 83 weeks logo and Bischoff's picture for a segment from the Arn Anderson podcast.. Yeah, that works really well. If YOU'RE FUCKING MORON.

The fact that all of these I've posted here to this moment HAVEN'T BEEN CORRECTED. At all. i GUESS Conrad Thompson, Eric Bischoff and Arn Anderson just don't give a shot HOW something is posted, as long as it's posted (rolls eyes)

Love the fact that Conrad I guess, feels that correcting all these things is something that's 'beneath him'. He's too good and too above it all to feel he needs to be corrected, even though the obvious is right here. 

The more they keep fucking it up, the more I'm gonna continue to show what fuck ups they are. I mean, not my fault they keep making it so easy for me to do.

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