Tuesday, May 19, 2020

When You Have A Serious Story Out There But the More "Well Known" News Sites Prefer To Do Lame Stuff Instead

This is a prime example of how the more 'well known' or, 'bigger' wrestling news sites deal with stories. When you have a serious story that was handed to them and they instead, go and milk every pointless WWE, AEW, etc story they can instead? It says a lot about them. Here's proof and since proof is a mother fucker. I again, will always, have the proof.

When there's serious story, about Combat Zone Wrestling, backed up by actual talents who worked for CZW..

The sory of course, can be found, right here.. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2020/05/combat-zone-wrestling-exposed-and-its.html

But then people including myself try to give the story to the other sites because it IS, a big deal.. Instead of WrestlingInc, PWInsider, Observer, etc covering it? The so called 'bigger, more well known" wrestling news sites prefer? To do lame stuff like this.

YYYEEAH I don't think millions of people give two shits about Matt Hardy 'mourning' a fucking drone.. 

Then, there's this gem too that's just 'SSOO much more important' to do over the CZW story.

Yeppers, yes indeedy, Paige showing off a new refrigerator is so damn earth shattering, so 'must see TV' so to speak, that this just HAS, to be more important than the allegations on CZW that's backed up by several people.. This story just "HAS" to be done before anything else, don't you know.. (Rolls eyes).

Nice to see that the more well known sites sure have their priorities in order, LOL.  

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