Monday, May 25, 2020

This Is What happens When A Rival Promoter Pulls A Bitch Move

Greg Anthony's Pro Wrestling Mid South ran Saturday night in Dyersburg, TN at the Herb Welch Wrestleplex before 100 fans were shut down at intermission when local police came, allegedly after being tipped off by a rival promotion complaining about them running a show with crowds.

 There was a new order that allows noncontact sporting events and activities and other social gatherings but also had this wording which seems to ban pro wrestling, and now everyone doesn't know whether it's allowable. This was the ruling that got Anthony's show shut down:

"Contact sporting events and activities, where there is a requirement or substantial likelihood of routine close contact and adequate social distancing is not feasible, are prohibited, but this does not apply to collegiate or professional sports conducted under the rules or guidelines of their respective governing bodies.  This also does not prohibit training or otherwise practicing the elements of such sports that do not involve close contact with persons."

So a rival promoter who couldn't a show of his own running decides to snitch, like a bitch because someone else was capable of having some success during this virus environment.. Talk about being a pussy. How much you wanna bet that, that promoter.. Who had the balls to be a snitch bitch, won't ever have the balls to admit he snitched.. My bet and I love to bet on things like this? Is that he'll bitch up, with a quickness. Most snitches and bitches do.

What's even more suspicious is, Bert Prentice ran shows with fans there and officials there but HHEEE, wasn't shut down.. Makes you go HHMMMMM.. 

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