Sunday, May 17, 2020

Funny How Nobody... Ever Catches This Stuff (updated)

My reply on something I saw on YouTube.. Was absolutely spot on but yet.. Nobody else seems to catch it.

I guess it'll always be left up to me, to be 'that guy', who has the balls to say what should be said when crap like this is posted.

Fine. I'll continue to be 'that guy' since nobody else has the balls to do it. (smiles)

5-17-20 3:30 pm.

To continue with what now seems to be becoming a new trend in fucking up, which stareted with this story here.. 

Then it contin ued on with this story..

We now have some more as the stupidity of whomever is uploading, titling, etc these things just continues to fuck it up and just can't get it right. Someone really does need to go to uploading school because they sure the fuck, have no clue what the hell they're doing.. Here's proof, yet again, and you can thank me as usual, for being the one who says proof is a mother fucker and I'm always the one who has the proof.

This one right here? Someone obviously didn't want to, or was too fucking lazy to check the audio level when the uploaded it.

Don't want to believe me? Check it out yourself, right here..  

When you see that, as usual.. I'm right again? Well.. You're welcome.

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