Monday, May 11, 2020

Conrad Thompson SERIOUSLY Needs To Check What He Uploads Onto YouTube.

First.. There was this story I did, THREE DAYS AGO.. where he uploaded a segment and titled "Scott Hall" even though there, was NO MENTION of Scott Hall in the entire segment. (And take note, he STILL hasn't corrected that either.. I guess he feels he's above correcting himself).

NOW.. Comes this gem three days later..

Go ahead and click this link.. and try listening to it... Go ahead, i dare you.. Give it the ol college try...

You can't.. because the voices on there sound like the fucking chipmunks, LMAO! Or someone inhaled a serious amount of helium.

Doesn't Conrad actually check.. To see if these uploads actually work properly AFTER, he uploads them?

Obviously, if I'm writing this story about it, the answer clearly is.. No..

So since he's proven twice in less than a week that he's incapable of uploading or titling his segments correctly, can someone offer to do it for him? It's obvious he's doesn't have the common sense or smarts to do it on his own.

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