Thursday, May 28, 2020

And Again, Another One Of 'This Era's Marks' Have To Be Put In Their Place By me (Wasn't Hard To Do Either)

You would think that after all this time, and the so many examples of what happens when today's 'marks' try to come at me and fail, that they'd just quit doing it. But NNNOOO, there's always going to be some idiot that has to be put in his lace by me..

So here's the latest one. And it's obvious this dumb ass has never seen the NWA show or else he'd see that everything Bischoff had said, was wrong. Cause it does work, and has worked. But clowns like this idiot I easily put in check, refuse to want to see that and, if i were to call him out to actually WATCH the NWA show? Would just cite an encyclopedia of excuses on why he won't. Which is always one of the typical yet, predictable responses that today's 'marks' always do.

It'd be nice if some day, SOME DAY, one of these 'marks' actually comes up with an argument that's an actual challenge, because it's way too easy now  (though still very amusing) to put idiots like this in their place.  As long as they're still stupid enough to try it? I'll continue to be more than happy to put their dumb asses in check. be my pleasure.

UPDATE!!! 2:30 a.m.

Poor little Stevie couldn't handle being punked so in the usual fashion that every single  one of today's "Marks" always do? He claims he doesn't care but then write acouple paragraphs of a reply AFTER claiming he 'doesn't care'. Which is yet another typical but yet predictable action that every mark today always does. Too bad these marks always react the same way, every time. because when they do? I just simply, with no effort, keep putting them in their place. here's the latest examples of how easy it is, to put a dumb mark in check, with no effort needed whatsoever.

I can keep putting this guy in check all summer long, he makes it so easy.

And as for the link I gave him, here.. You can see it for yourself.

That's a story which was posted on Evan Ginzburg's old Wrestling Then And Now newsletter web site. Evan is associate producer of the movies "The Wrestler" With Mickey Rourke and "350 Days". Before he would even put that on his web site and in his monthly newsletter he ran I had to send him proof of the promoter's licence I had to acquire in order to locally promote that WWA New England show. So I, unlike poor ol Stevie the twitter dweeb, have worked in the business and thoroughly has way more knowledge than he'll ever get in his lifetime. because unless you've been in it? You don't really know it, which is something Steviepoo seems to have to learn, the hard way.

Now if this dumb ass 'mark' were smart, he'd now stay silent after getting checked, owned and put in his place over and over.. but how much.. You wanna bet... he's not that smart, and will be dumb enough to reply, and get put in  his place by me, again? Something tells me, he's just too stupid, to stay silent and will wind up getting punked by me again, and again.. because he is, just like all the other marks I've checked.. He is, just.. That.. Dumb.

UPDATE... 4:00 a.m.

Poor Stevie's still trying to get himself over, but again? he gets punked, with ease. Some 'marks' really don't ever learn and just insist on playing checkers against a chess master.

Told you he was too stupid to stay silent, nice of him to keep proving me right. :)

Update... 4:30 a.m.

Well.. Ol Stevie finally realized I made him my bitch.. When he couldn't come up with anything but the standard, predictable and typical replies all marks come up with and can't scrape up anything credible to cover up the fact he got punked and checked so often and so easily? THIS, is what he resorted to, what they always do when they get checked.

Nothing changes because nothing changes and the one thing that won't ever change? Is how dumb today's "marks" really are.

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