Wednesday, April 29, 2020

(Updated 9;00 PM) Some People.. Just Never Learn and Have To Keep Being Put In Their Place By Me (PowerBomb Wrestling)

Earlier this week I wrote on how another week goes by and another moron has to be put in their place by me. This time it was someone representing PowerBomb Wrestling (Located in Toledo, Ohio). Someone who obviously is running their Twitter channel. And true to what I knew would happen? When i wrote thye story on it (located here ) and ut got out.. The guy representing PBW of course would still try, and get over on me, even though the evidence clearly shows he really should stay silent.

I mean look. He swore if anyone thught that Monsoon and ventura were better than Heenan and Monsson we were all wrong. BUT.. look at the poll results and you'll obviously see who was wrong.. The guy representing Powerbomb Wrestling.

The results validated everything I said but of course.. Idiots like this guy from PBW don't and can't accept them kinds of truth, even if the evidence IS, slapping him right in the face.

So after the first story about me putting him in check came out, instead of him becoming smart and realizing that maybe, just maybe he should just be quiet.. He of course tries his best to get over on me some more, and fails at every turn .. As you're about to see.

My favorite copout of his, and ssoo many dumb shits always make this mistake, they love to claim that 'nobody' will see what I write..  Even though i showed him the stats that again prove him wrong.. he of course goes and deflects from it, even thought definitely shows he's wrong. Just like he's been wrong all thru this. A fact like this.. Always proves the idiots wrong, no matter how many times they want to try and deflect and 'no sell' it.

Right there should've ended it cause it without a doubt shoots everything he's said to shit, with ease. BUT.. As you know this era's marks and fans, even this era's workers now it seems.. The more you show them facts, the dumber they start to get..

And why is it, when they KNOW, they're getting their ass verbally kicked they always, ALWAYS (like a rerun you can predict it'll happen) they always go with a very typical reply of "You're cheap entertainment"? If you say you don't care but keep replying, guess what stupid.. You're showing you DO care, no matter how you try and play it off, the actions show better than your cop outs and show what a hypocrite and a fucking moron you are.

And this one here, everyone who'll look at this guy's Twitter channel will see THIS story, just like they saw the last one.. But of course he doesn't want to or just can't conceive that concept either. Another example of how when people get online they have this habit of just getting dumber.

So maybe now he'll realize he should stay quiet, because anything else he tries to say will just make him look even more stupid. But how much you wanna bet, he just won't be able to help himself and will reply.. because he 'doesn't care' that much, LMAO.

Gotta love idiots like this, and Social media is so infested with them.. That's why it takes no effort to keep putting them in  check, with no effort needed, whatsoever. :) 

Someone please tell this ass clown that being quiet is his best bet. because he sure isn't representing his indie company very well getting clobbered by me so easily.. Maybe he'll listen to one of you if you tell him because I tell him, he keeps replying and then i keep putting him in his place, LOL. So some of you give it a shot and see if he'll listen to you. 

Stick a fork in him cause he's done, again, thanks to me. :)

And THIS, is what happens when the guy representing Powerbomb Wrestling finally realizes, he's been getting punked by me with ease,.

Guess it finally hit him that his claim of 'no one's gonna see it' made him look stupid as fuck and now that I took every argument he had away from him.. He's run  off, like a bitch, LOL. 

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