Sunday, April 26, 2020

I Thru Myself Into This Discussion And Wouldn't You Know? Nobody Could Dispute What I Said.

All these so called "Well Knowledged" experts throwing this and that out and what do I do? Thru some of the real truth, which was and has been a fact for decades now, into the mix. And BOOM.. Not one of them can argue my very valid point. Imagine that.

They may have worked for these companies but it'll always come down to someone who's more knowledgeable on many companies, to throw the truth in where they really don't want to hear it.

What I said, besides it being true, just took all the argument away from all of them (smiles).

Knowledge is king, remember that. :)  

1 comment:

Trevor Henderson said...

LOL, what a burn. Neither one had a reply to what you said? Ouch, they knew you roasted them with factual knowledge, nice job.