Monday, April 20, 2020

Example 12345 On How Easy It Is To Smack An Idiot On Twitter (Updated 4-21-20 2:00 am)

The idiots always come, especially when they think, they know it all but really don't. And then when i give em a good smack, they just continue to be stupid enough to keep replying and I just continue, to easily put them in their place. It never takes much effort and as you can see b y the following. This latest ass clown is just another example of how easy it is.. To put someone in check with facts on Twitter.. And they aren't smart enough to shut up so they keep replying, making themselves look even more like a f'n moron.

This started because of this story here.  On Joe Pedicino passing away. That I covered, OVER Three hours  before Meltzer and his crack crew got to it (and only got to it because I left a link to it this site somewhere on their Twitter site).

So of course you know at some point some Melzer kiss ass is gonna come strolling along and try and start shit. Like a rerun you can predict it and here he is. After carefully explaining that they only put it up AFTER I posted my link on  their site.. He couldn't grasp the fact he was proven wrong, or didn't want, to grasp the fact so what does he do? The same thing all the others try to do when they no longer have an argument that brought their dumb asses to me in the first place and he tries to change the subject (which is proof he knew he got punked and decided to use that so predictable yet typical way to try and avoid that fact) by trying to allege I have no viewers of this blog. So like the others that have tried, failed and got chumped thanks to me. You'll see how easily that argument put his ass in check.

I mean come on, it's pretty obvious the chart is legit. This site is on Blogger, the viewer chart is what Blogger tracks, so how in his small mind does he think it's not legit, is a mystery. I guess the logic is, use any excuse to try and sustain an argument than have no excuse to cover the fact you have, no argument, is the way he went.

Then of course he claims I'm 'insignificant".. Yet HE, was the dumb ass who came to me first. if I'm so 'insignificant' then why did he bother to begin with? DDUUHH! Dumb ass. These idiots will never learn, I swear. What makes this guy just as dumb as the others is he keeps replying, though he's the one who claimed I'm 'insignificant', if that's the case why does he keep replying trying to redeem himself after he was promptly, many times put in his place? Other than he's too stupid to know any better you can never get a believable answer out of clowns like this.

And to show you what a clown he is, I openly said if I'm so insignificant you won't reply anymore. I don't know how many ways i dumbed it down for him to grasp the fact he really should just stay quiet. But, as you'll see. He wasn't smart enough to 'get it'. And this mind you, is a guy who claims to be a 'former' Pro Wrestling Torch contributor. I bet Wade Keller and Bruce Mitchell would be proud to see what an idiot they had at one time 'contributing' to them.

Of course he's a WWE fanboy too, like a robot he's programmed to watch a shitty WWE show when there's way better product to watch elsewhere. And of course when I call him out to not reply anymore, what does the dumb ass do? Replies again. 

Makes you wonder where, these idiots come from, and why is it, there's just ssoo many of them roaming out there. But, they wanna roam my way and try their shit, I'll continue to make jack asses out of them. Doesn't take much effort as all, as you can see. Too bad idiots like this aren't cable of at least, making it a challenge. Too easy, WAY too easy to put clowns like this in their place. Some day they may learn but from the looks of it, it won't be any time soon. 

And proof that he didn't learn comes right now. Look at how he again attempts an insult, and fails.

Too bad he neglected, or was too lazy to go and include this to his attempt at an insult.

Yeah, of course he's gonna choose not to show that, which goes to show why he's such an idiot and clowning this moron continues to be so easy to do.. I guess when it comes to making it something resembling a challenge, he's just that incapable of doing it. Not surprising as not many people have that capability. And this moron keeps proving he's just that, a moron .  Boom. 

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