Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Another Example Of Why Some People Shouldn't Run A Wrestling "Efed".

Another example of why I need to stay away from fantasy wrestling, called 'efeds'. The guys who run these today really have no clue to properly run them and they think burying a guy with a 'constant losing streak' is a 'bigger picture'. The truth is and I pointed it out with a few other valid points, I did a better job at 'hyping the match' than the guys i was facing. So much so that the two other guys i was facing didn't even try and reply back to it. They knew they couldn't top it but for some reason this efed owner doesn't want to see valid points and can't seem to conceive the fact that people with issues bringing the issues to efed owner comes with the territory, which shows he really doesn't have what it takes to be an 'efed owner'. I have the promo in question that surely put me over the top for a 'win' on YouTube so I'll post the link so you can why, the others wouldn't and couldn't even try and retaliate or answer it.

Here's the link to the promo that the others couldn't answer to cause they knew it topped everything they had come up with.

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