Wednesday, March 18, 2020

WWE Shows How Petty They Are By Issuing A Cease & Desist Order To Freelance Wrestling Promotion Hours After Mustafa Ali Gives Major Plug

Freelance Wrestling should just tell WWE to go fuck themselves.. All the shit that's going on right now they want to be THIS PETTY? Over old logos of old shows not many people give two shits about anymore? WWE with this petty ass bitch move should, just go fuck themselves and you can tell every staff member there i said that.. They issue a cease and desist order to me, I'll just wipe my ass with it.

WWE has issued a Cease & Desist letter to Freelance Wrestling over their "In Our Warehouse" logo, which is similar to WWE's old "In Your House" logo.

Black Label Pro owner Mikey Blanton took to Twitter today and revealed the C&D.

"Looks like the crack legal team over at WWE sent out another cease and desist. This time to @FreelanceWres over their 'In Our Warehouse' event. Apparently that's going to hurt all their In Your House WWE Network views. Petty af. Damn the man, save the empire," he tweeted.

It's interesting that WWE's C&D came less than 24 hours after SmackDown Superstar Mustafa Ali tweeted a big plug for the Freelance indie promotion. The promotion announced earlier this week that they were going to run empty arena shows with an option for fans to PayPal money to wrestlers as a way to help talents earn money amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The shows were announced to stream on IndependentWrestling.TV, airing from the Freelance Wrestling Academy that is hosted inside the Pro Wrestling Tees warehouse in Chicago, where Ali is from. Ali tweeted a plug to Freelance and declared that he would be making a donation to cover all performers for the first "In Our Warehouse" event.

While Ali's tweet is still live, the original Freelance tweet has been deleted as it featured the "In Our Warehouse" logo.

Ali re-tweeted that now-deleted post and wrote, "Scary times only exist when you feel like you're on your own. I'll be donating to cover all of the performers pay for the 1st event. I encourage anyone that is in the position to do so, please donate and allow these incredible artists to perform for you. @FreelanceWres is home."

While this may not be related, Ali took to Twitter this afternoon, shortly after news of the C&D came out, and posted a cryptic message.

"Just wait," he wrote, attaching a photo of himself from SmackDown.

Freelance will now air "Warehouse Wars" instead of the "In Our Warehouse" event.

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