Wednesday, March 18, 2020


He wasn't the Exalted One after all, but Matt Hardy did make his anticipated AEW debut Wednesday nonetheless and already has a high profile match booked.

At the close of Dynamite, Chris Jericho and The Inner Circle were running down members of The Elite for being a man down in their upcoming Blood & Guts double cage match when a buzzing could be heard, followed by Hardy's Vanguard 1 drone landing in the ring.

Matt Jackson said their team wasn't actually outnumbered (Nick Jackson is injured in storyline) as he had made a phone call to someone that owed him a favor. The piano music from Hardy's "Free The Delete" series played and the camera panned up in the stands where he appeared, dressed up in his "Broken" garb.

Hardy will join Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, Jackson, and Cody Rhodes in the War Game-style match against Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Santana, Ortiz, and Jake Hager which is planned for next week's Dynamite assuming that is still possible due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

On his YouTube series, Hardy has teased coming to AEW with the Young Bucks making appearances. His WWE deal ran up earlier this month.

You can see the video here..

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