Thursday, March 12, 2020

Example #12345 Of How Marks Have To Be Put In Their Place (And Not Just By Me This Time Either, LOL)

This is always SSOO Easy to do because Marks always answer and reply the same way, every time.. And when they get called out to supply proof and they give the weak ass answer of "Google it"? You know right then they're bitching up cause they ain't got shit.. SSSOO typical of today's marks.

Here's the shots of how this clown Paul has been getting his ass handed to him, and not just by me.. Someone else called him out for proof and in typical mark fashion when they have nothing to back up their big mouth? He starts bitching up and side stepping..

This is where I, unlike this clown Paul.. start supplying links with some proof to back up what I've been saying.. Which of course he just side steps with excuses and more BS because he has nothing to provide on his side to back up anything he's saying.. Which again is the mentality and logic of this era's marks.

And since he tried to be slick and make a very weak attempt at insulting me by saying I'm an "Over glorified Blogger".. HHMM Look at the number of viewers of this blog, just for today, and the day isn't even half over yet..

Yeah.. Marks like Paul really should think things thru before they open their mouth, they usually.. Thanks to someone like me, wind up having their foot planted right in their mouth..

Proof is, a mother fucker and I'll always be the guy, who supplies the proof.. proof that marks today? Are dumber and more clueless than ever before.

Another mark, bites the dust.. Check mate. 

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