Friday, March 27, 2020

AAAHHH-HAHAHAHA! Scott Dawson Uploads Match Video To YouTube And Receives Copyright Claim By WWE

You can't make this kind of bullshit up. And only the WWE, would this fucking petty. Yet another bitch move by the WWE.

WWE SmackDown Superstar Scott Dawson of The Revival has recently shared a few videos of matches from his collection, to help fans get through tough times during the coronavirus pandemic.

Dawson has been uploading the videos to his personal YouTube channel, but one video almost instantly received a copyright claim from WWE. This was not confirmed but it's very possible that WWE didn't actually order the copyright claim, but that the video was automatically flagged by YouTube's software. This has happened to a few WWE talents in the past.

Back on March 19 Dawson shared a 2 of 3 Falls match between The Revival and American Alpha at an old WWE NXT live event in Poughkeepsie, NY... Today Dawson uploaded a video from The Revival vs. The Undisputed Era, at a NXT live event in San Antonio, Texas. That is the video that was almost instantly blocked.

The video now has a message that reads like this: "Video unavailable. This video contains content from WWE, who has blocked it on copyright grounds."

Dawson responded after the copyright claim was issued and wrote, "Sorry guys. I tried."

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