Saturday, February 15, 2020


Major League Wrestling attorneys engaged WWE attorneys this week,  who allege that WWE are attempting to tamper with contracted MLW talents.

When asked if this was in relation to Davey Boy Smith Jr (Harry Smith) appearing this past Wednesday on WWE's The Bump online series, we were told it was not in regard to Smith's appearance but regarding "multiple talents." 

Since the advent of MLW signing talents in 2018, the language in the contracts specifically forbids them from working WWE dates, so any direct communication with signed MLW talents would be seen as a breach of contract by MLW management.  Obviously, however, discussion via third parties has gone on in pro wrestling since the days of Frank Gotch and will always happen.   MLW has strengthened the exclusivity of their contracts with talents since the advent of All Elite Wrestling's launch last year as well.

One MLW source claimed that the promotion had an "abundance" of evidence should the matter need to go to court, but hoped that would not happen.

There was a time period several years back where Ring of Honor pushed back on WWE, feeling they were reaching out to contracted ROH talents, which led to WWE waiting 90 days past ROH deals expiring before they would even talk to former Ring of Honor talents.  I assume something similar would happen here.

 I should also note that WWE sources downplayed the potential of any such "tampering".

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